Pro Armstrong Flute Model 55 Sterling Silver, Open Hole, Low B, Pointed Key-Arms

The Flute has a Solid Sterling Silver Head, Body, Foot & Silver Plated Keys. This is an Open-Hole flute with an inline-G, a Low-B footjoint, Pointed Key Arms and a 24K Gold Plated Lip-Plate. Headjoint- Stamped: “STERLING SILVER”. Armstrong ELKHART – IND 55 35 39827 STERLING SILVER. Footjoint – Stamped: “STERLING SILVER”. The flute recently had several pads replaced and has been cleaned, oiled and adjusted. The flute is ready to go and plays very nicely! The flute does have light scratches from normal use over the years but is in very good condition overall. Flute includes a case, cleaning/tuning rod and plugs for the open-holes.